

Dear Debra,
        Sounds to me as though your mother-in-law is getting a stomach
tube because she can no longer swallow effectively.  In such cases it is
best to ask her doctor if it is good for her to continue eating because
incorrect swallowing can lead to repeated cases of pneumonia.
        Stomach tubes, or PEG tubes, are very easy to work with.  They
require little maintainence and are very safe.  Special food stomach
(there are a number of them on the market) can be inserted into the tube
manually or by use of a special pump.  One must be careful that the
stomach empties; that can be tested by leaving the tube open for a
short period of time to allow it to empty, or by aspirating stomach
contents through use of a large syringe.  Usually only 5cc of fluid is
retrieved.  The procedure is done three times a day.
        Medications can be ground by use of a mortar and pistle,
dissolved in water, and inserted into the tube.
        All in all, stomach tubes save time, allow for proper nutrition
and medication administration with a minimum of effort, and are convenient.
The down side is (as your mother-in-law has expressed) that food cannot be
enjoyed.  Since eating is a social event in most homes, that aspect of the
day is also lost.  Including the individual at meals, and allowing them to
taste food (but spit is out after the tasting is done) are two ways these
negative elements can be neutralized.
Hope this helps
Mary Ann
Zippo's mom