

With regard to Janet Reno's disclosure on having Parkinsons, what seems
unfortunately to be happening is that the current administration, in order
to maintain Reno's political position as Attorney General, is passing
Parkinsons off as a minor inconvenience for all those inflicted with the
disease, including Reno. This is bad because it can cause national apathy
towards Parkinsons and thus a reduction in research spending.
The solution to this problem would be for Reno to step forward and
acknowledge that Parkinsons for her now is only an inconvenience but she
will have to face the future when it comes and that the future might
dictate a change in her political abilities. And she must explicitly
iterate that Parkinsons is much, much more than a minor inconvenience for
many if not most Parkinsons patients.
If Reno fails to do this she will not only be failing the Parkinson
community she will be failing herself because without doubt the time will
come when she will have to rely on the research that is taking place today
and that might not take place in the future.
Anyone think we should forward this to Reno?
Eric & Betti Adams [log in to unmask]