

I think Dr. McGoon in his book discusses the use of drug holidays.  He comes
to the conclusion that drug holidays should happen every 24 hours.  In other
words, there should be some time when drugs are not take during a 24-hour
period.   His suggestion is not to take drugs at night.  Let each night be a
5-8 hour period "daily drug holiday."  Talking to most specialists in PD, you
will find that going off drugs is now considered dangerous with potential
harm.  As a result most specials will try to tell you not to do a drug
holiday.  For example, levodopa and Eldepryl require 14 days to completely
leave the system.  This would mean taking 2 weeks just to actually find out
what life was without drugs.  Also going off drugs can be as difficult as
starting up on drugs.  The thought of fighting off the drugs only to start
the problems of restarting drugs is too much.
What is important is knowing each drug you take and why you take it.
 Secondly it would be nice to know what benefit is gained by taking the drug.
 Thirdly, what are the side effects of too much and too little of each drug.
 If all this information were readily available, life would be much simpler.
 Maybe I should ask for one more wish, so fourthly, it would be nice to know
how long from time the drug is taken will results be felt.  Now I have all my
wishes.  Life with PD is not that simple.  So the following is suggested for
drug holidays:
(1) Go to Hawaii for two weeks and forget all things that add stress and
anxiety to your life.
(2) Go to Sweden and have a pallidotomy and while you are there enjoy the
sights and enjoy the Swedish hospitality.
(3) Go to Europe and buy a years supply of Eldepryl and pay for the trip in
money you save.
(4) Sleep for 7 uninterrupted hours three nights in a row!!!
Alan Bonander
Age 55, Diag 11 yrs, liquid meds, pallidotomy
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