

My mother in law has had Parkinson's for 13 years.  She is 77.  Her
condition has worsened in the last two years.  She experiences extreme
hallucinations and she is having a lot of trouble disstinguishing reality
and hallucinations.  She has seen up to 30 people in the room with her at
a time and has become very frightened.  She has even called the police!
Usually her mind is very sharp especially when she is not having these
hallucinations, but I think they are really becoming difficult to
handle.  She was taking Zofrin (sp?) for about a year.  This is a very
expensive anti-nausea drug.  It seemed to help, but in the last few
months it hasn't been doing anything so we took her off of it.
She is a Parkinson's patient with all the classic symptons which are
quite severe.  We are managing the physical symptons pretty well, but
these hallucinations are causing us much grief.
Has anyone experienced anything like this?  Can anyone give us some
treatment suggestions?  Our doctors are not offering any alternatives
right now and we are getting discouraged.  Any advice would be appreciated.
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