

Would not the Pallidal and Thalamic Stimulation procedures involve
approaching Parkinson's from the electrical perspective?  I've found myself
explaining to friends that the stimulation surgeries work on the symtpoms
electrically the way the medications do chemically.  Maybe i'm wrong?
At 5:20 AM 12/5/95, Don Berns wrote:
>As we all know our brains work in large part through the firing of neurons
>involves a chemical and an electrical process.  Most all of the research re.
>Parkinson's Disease  has focused upon the chemical neurotransmitter side.
>I wonder what thought or research has been done regarding the electrical
>Any comments??
>Dr. Don Berns
>4943 Del Monte Rd.
>La Canada, CA 91011
><[log in to unmask]>
"Peace from the Clouds"                              \--*MH*--/
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H.             Email: [log in to unmask]
"Myth Hawk"
28/Diagnosed 3yrs/Sinemet CR 2x/Sinemet 10/100 as morning booster and as
needed/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Rolfing (Deep Body Massage/Lift Weights-Cycle--4-5
times per week
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