

Someone might be interested in contacting:
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State University
1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr.  B-223
Tallahassee, FL  32306
Director, Mr. Jack Crow
Phone (904) 644-0311
Fax (904) 644-0867
This lab does extensive research on the physiological effects of magnetism
which is directly related to EMF.
>An abstract from Medline: Title: A Drug Naive PD patient successfully
>treated with weak electromagnetic fields.  Author: Sandyk. Int.Jrnl.
>Neuroscience   1994  Nov. Abstract of abstract:....49 year old male
>stage 3 disability on Hoehn & Yahr response to to brief
>extracranial application of pT EMF, demonstrated a marked improvemnt
>in motor, depressive symptomatology and cognitive functions and was
>classified stage 1 several weeks later.  ....remarkable in that the
>patient did not receive treatment with dopaminergic drugs prior to
>or during the course of EMF therapy.
>Comments anyone?  You might have a hard time contacting me as I'll
>be out looking for and then standing under some overhead power line!