

>I have read with interest the many comments about our newest
>celebrity Parkinsonian.  Janet Reno is not a celebrity. Janet Reno is
>not the Att'y Gen'l of the United States. Janet Reno is not our property.
>Janet Reno is a women newly diagnosed with a chronic, terminal,
>degenerative, neurological, disease for which there is no known cure.
>She is probably confused, frightened, angry, panicked, and lots more good
>stuff like that.
>She needs our comfort and our strength.  She must do some leaning upon
>before she herself can be leaned upon.
>George Andes
>13 years and counting
I was beginning to think that all you normally wonderful, caring people
have all lost your marbles. Thanks to George for demonstrating that some
humanity remains when this group is faced with political self-interest!
Has anybody thought about how Janet Reno might feel, once persuaded to
join the list, if she were to read back through these archives. Now we
have a separate list for carers, perhaps TPTB should consider creating
a third list for political campaigners.
Alan Marshall  (43yo,5.5yrs)
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