

Hello everyone! Sorry this took so long. I've had computer problems which
have been time-consuming.
The Query:  I asked for a show of hands of people who have PD and are still
working either fulltime (FT) or parttime (PT), with high, medium or low
stress (HS,MS,LS), how old they were when diagnosed and how long they've had
PD (yrs). Finally, I asked if they take meds.for sleep. I wish I had asked
more specifically about which meds.and whether they caused grogginess in the
A.M. Some people did volunteer details on their own.
Is this scientific? NO! We can draw very few conclusions or generalities
because we have considerable biases in the sample. First, there are only 900
people on this list from which to sample and not all have PD so it's not
truly representative of the whole PD population. Second, I received 65
responses (which is quite a few, and thanks to all for being good sports, but
this is hardly representative of the PD work force). There are probably many
more people on the list who work but didn't respond.. Anyway, my main goal
was to see if folks used sleep meds. and whether they interfere with their
ability to work. I am assuming that everyone with PD has some problems with
sleep but perhaps this is not an appropriate assumption. One person said he
had no trouble sleeping. I was also curious to see the average age of the PD
work force. So here goes...
The mean age of responders +/- standard deviation: 52.6 yrs+\- 8;  Range:
40-71 yrs
Age Groups       Number in group
40-44                        13
45-49                        14
50-54                         8
55-59                        14
60-64                          8
65-69                          4
70-71                          2
The mean number of yrs with PD +\- standard deviation: 6yrs+\- 4. There was a
wide range from 1/2 yr since diagnosis to 25 yrs. There were only 3 people
who had PD for >/=20 yrs.
There were 36 out of 65 people who listed themselves as working fulltime (one
was 3/4 time) and 4 people work parttime. (Others contributed some data who
were now retired or disabled and some did not list how much time they work).
25 people work under high stress, 16 under medium stress, and 7 reported low
or no stress.(Again, not everyone answered this question).
Only 15 people reported that they use or have used sleep medication and 33
reported they used no sleep meds.( The others did not respond.) The average
age of those taking sleep meds. is 52 +\- 8 with an average of 6.7 yrs with
PD. Among the 33 that don't take meds., the ave. age is 54 +\- 8 with a
duration of 5 yrs with PD. The data are pretty interesting showing that twice
as many people in the group do not take sleep meds. as those who do. Is it
that the 33 just don't have trouble sleeping or they have not found a sleep
med.that leaves them refreshed in the morning or they haven't had PD long
enough to interfere with their sleep?
Part 2 will review the comments people made about the sleep meds. they use
and a few anecdotal comments about their professions.
Delana Vaughan