

--Boundary (ID JCQwzQjqsmGcbVBMmnokdQ)
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
I would like to give thanks to John Cottingham and everyone else who wrote
about my sleeping problem.  I am doing better.  I cut back my Amantadine to
one a day, the second seemed to contribute to my sleeping problem, also it was
causing me to me real nervous and depressed.  I also am temporarily only
working 5 hrs a day, using 3 hrs a day sick leave. (I can't afford to not have
a full paycheck and luckily through the years I have saved a lot of sick
leave).  I also switched from a flannel nightgown to silky pajamas.  I believe
the flannel was sticking to the sheets too much and waking me up everytime I
tried to change position in the night.  I am now, only waking up twice during
the night and am able to go right back to sleep.  The circle are gone from
under my eyes and I am feeling almost normal again.  Thanks again,
Dora Walters
--Boundary (ID JCQwzQjqsmGcbVBMmnokdQ)--