

This is a REVISION of procedure for joining the CARE ("Caregivers Are
Really Essential") sublist of this one.  In the past, requests to join the
CARE list (for caregivers of Parkinsonians) have been sent to me, and then
forwarded to Jeff Jones, who updates thelist and sends guidelines, etc.
In the interest of efficiency <g> and accuracy, we are now asking that
CGs who wish to join CARE send their requests directly to:
         [log in to unmask]
Please note that Jeff will be out of town, however, for a few days, so
he will be handling requests on 12/15/95.
If CGs have questions about the CARE list in the meantime, feel free to
direct them to me, and I'll try to answer them promptly.
Camilla Flintermann(CG for Peter, 76/6)<[log in to unmask]>