

On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, Patricia Yothers <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Dear Under 60's,
>I would like some correspondence from anyone out there that is new at
>this Parkinson business.  I was diagnosed at age 58, now I'm 59 and
>still struggling with the first year.  I'm scared, depressed, still
>working but wondering how long, aching, dizzy, and tired-tired-tired.
I'm 44 and in my first year. I've known something was wrong for a year
and a half. I know about the tired and dizzy. I too was scared and
depressed. I don't know about others, but I take one day at a time.
The depression comes and goes. But it's beatable.
>I'm trying to make some sense out of all this but guess nobody knows
>where PD comes from, how fast it progresses and what medicine is
>best for it.
You may have heard this already. How fast PD progresses depends on the
individual. There are people who are in thier 20th year and still
working and happy.
>I've been reading the PD on line list and it is informative but I'm
>too young to have this already. Anyone else feel the same?
Yes. I feel i'm too young for this. But then It could be worse.
*sigh* having a wife who love me in spite of the PD helps.
>I take Sinemet (1 & a half tablets, HRT.and Zoloft)
I'm taking 3 25mg Sinemet tabs a day (1/2 every 2 1/2 hours) and 5mg
Eldepryl twice a day.
Are you a member of a support group? Ask on the list. Someone may know
of a group in your area. Hang in there lady! You can win this fight :)
Write me if you want someone to talk to.
On IRC I'm known as Puppy.
--<--<@ Marvin Giles @>-,-`--
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