

On Tue, 12 Dec 1995 14:04:39 -0500, you wrote:
>What did your doctor do for this condition that helped.  My Dad has tried
>numerous things that all seem to help at first but then it gets worse again.
>Thanks for your comments.
>Nancy Walker
>[log in to unmask]
>>As a result of burning feet, I was diagnosed as having "peripheral
>>Neuropothy." together with nerve loss, lack of sensation, etc.
>>As was described to me, the "burning" is due to the wearing down of
>>the covers of the nerve sheaths.
>>I suffered for a year before I found a knowldgeable podiatrist with
So far, the only thing i've used that's helped is "Zostrix" cream
applied 3 to 4 times a day to the affected areas. It is available in
two strengths, without prescription. I would suggest starting with the
regular strength first.
 This was recommended  by my family doctor, and I think it would be
appropriate to check with your own doctor first.
   Read the instructions carefully, as it is strong and can be