

Once in a while I will reread an article not from the authors point of view
but from my point of view as someone with PD.  I posted one such article
recently about putting your feet up.  Many on this list server have talked
about swelling feet and/or legs.  Many have talked about fatigue in the
afternoon.   This article gave some possible reasons for these conditions.
 It also suggested a remedy, one that I have used for maybe eight years or
more.  It can leave me almost symptom free with much energy and a positive
outlook on life.
The remedy is not NADH, Sinemet or something one needs to buy.  It is free
and simple.  It goes like this.  Lay on your back on the floor.  Prop your
head up slightly by a small pillow.  Rest your legs on a chair, coffee table
or something of similar height so that your leg from the knee down is resting
on this surface.  Now spread your arms straight out from your body and
resting on the floor.   Once you get into this position, think of relaxing
situations, a time at the ocean, watching the warm fire in a fireplace on a
cold winter day, or what ever it is that relaxes you.  My guess is you will
fall asleep for a period of under 30 minutes.  When you awake, you are like
Now this works for me in the later afternoon only.  When I was working, I
would do this about 3 - 4 in the afternoon.  The secretary would hold all
calls until I would wake up.  It was the only accommodation I asked for when
employed.  I highly recommend it and would like to know if it works for
Alan Bonander
Age 55, Diag 11 yrs, liquid meds, pallidotomy
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