

On page 6 of the December 1995 issue of the newsletter "Health
After 50" [Vol 7 Issue 10] published by John Hopkins Medical
Institute [Baltimore, MD], I found a nice "introduction to PD"
piece, titled "Parkinson's Disease: When to Consider Surgery". As
it is somewhat long, I will upload it over the next couple of days or
so in two parts:
"JHMI PD #1", the basic article, and
"JHMI PD #2", the section describing the three surgical options.
I'm doing this so that those of you who are already familiar with
the basics won't have to download the files needlessly. I also
have the hope that the info in the article will be useful to those
who want a fundamental outline of Thalamotomy, Pallidotomy,
and Fetal Tissue Implant surgical options.
   "So what if I can't do 2000 things anymore -
     just think of all the extra time I have
     to do the 1799 things I still can do!"
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