

Ever since this morning when I realized that "Santa Claus" and "Sinemet"
both have three syllables, I've been driven. Enjoy.....
I try not to pout
Try not to cry
Don't wanna freak out
I'm telling you why
Sinemet is wearing me down
It's making me twitch
But that's just the price
For starting too early
(my doctor's advice)
Sinemet is bringing me down
It "helps" when I am sleeping
It "haunts" when I'm awake
Though relief from tremor feels real good
Dyskinesia's hard to take
I want to keep going
And not "just get by"
I'll try to be strong
And hold my head high
Sinemet will not wear me down.
*Try it, it's loads of fun....parodies, that is...NOT Sinemet