

One of my favorite fun columns to read is Lou Boyd's syndicated column of short
pieces of "facts" and "wisdom."  Yesterday he reported this:
          "Cancer is still the most feared disease.  Among
          professional fund raisers, it's known as the hottest ticket
to a lucrative money drive.  They say success of a cash
          campaign is always proportional to fear of the disease."
What does this say about what needs to be done if we want the public to support
funding research for Parkinson's Disease?!?  We need Janet Reno and Billy
Graham's model of positive attitude, and we need to have the media share the
"successful" treatments that are available, but if we want public support for
funding we may also need to get to share the horrors of unsuccessful treatment
in late stage Parkinson's.  I haven't yet seen that on t.v. or in the newspaper.
How many of us knew to fear Parkinson's Disease before we were diagnosed?