

-- [ From: Donna Kipp * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
Confused about HRT  not as much as I. I have decided to try it again
after the holidays after much consideration. I recently read the there
appears that HRT helps   to slow down the progression of Alzhiemers.
The scientists feel that estrogen may afford a level  of protection.
After doing a mother -in-law survey and observing that younger women
with PD seem to do better then younger men with PD. I called my neuro
and asked him  his opinion and agreed that women do seem  to do better
then men and cautiously agreed that it is possible that Estrogen may be
a factor. I realize that this is a long shot and  that  I will have to
increase  my Sinemet dosage upward but have decided to do it. ......