

-- [ From: Mariana Ruggles * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
>        Edwin Partridge wrote:
> Extensive areas of my skin are bleached white and do not tan when I
> exposed to the sun in the summer. My skin lacks melanin in those
> This condition is named Vitiligo. That seems to be the total extent
of the
> knowledge available on the condition.
> When I was diagnosed as having Parkinson's disease, and I learned
> the loss of color of the substantia nigra, I inquired if this was
> to my Vitiligo. The hesitant and thoughtful answer was no.
> But perhaps whatever attacks the melanin in my skin actually does
> the neuromelanine also in my substantia nigra.
I, too have EXTENSIVE vitiligo.........I do not have P D.  I have been
assured that the only 'marker' vitiligo indicates is thyroid problems.
Piece and Joy..Mariana in Southern [log in to unmask]