

        This is a private posting.
        I was touched by your initial posting.  I am a 46-year-old female who
has PD since I was 38.  It was misdiagnosed as depression for the first five
years.  When I finally found out what it was, I went into a denial/depressive
mode for two years--who ever heard of someone with PD at 38?
        I was shaking at work, could hardly stay awake in the afternoons, and
lost desire to care about anything.  I, too, racked my brain and read
everything I could to find out where this came from--still don't know.
        I have recently had to retire from my job as a university professor
and am trying to get on disability.  I walk like an old lady, and sometimes
I feel like my mental faculties have slipped.  This is devastating for me, as
my enitre life has been built around my cognitive functions.
        I can empathize only too well with your fear and worry and sorrow.
I have found this list to be very comforting--to know that you are not alone
with this dreadful disease.  Also, some very useful information is passed
along almost daily.
        I can only say to you that apparently NO ONE is too young for PD.
I hope you can make your own peace with your situation.  Let's hope for a
cure before too long!!
Best wishes,
Marti Eiermann