

Ok, so sometimes the sinemet talks and sometimes it takes a siesta.  As I sit
here writing this to you today most of my keystrokes take me to the right and
down the page but some days I spend a LOT of my time backing up and
correcting and correcting and correcting.
Now, there is something to be said for a good word processing program's
integrated dictionary.  And, I've found it also helps to just power type away
and let the dictionary program  function more as a literary generalist and
sweep the whole piece clean as well as correct mispellings but eventually we
come to the point where a good voice recognition software program would a)
save lots of inputting time and b) would also keep a majority of the typos
from occurring as it went along.
Can anyone with experience with voice recognition systems recommend a good
practical, fairly inexpensive system?  I know the Kurzweil synthesizer folks
and the MS/Windows folks are working on an interface that I am sure will be
topshelf (and also expensive).  I also recently picked up a brochure from
another firm that makes vox systems which appear to be quality systems but
they seem a little "fuzzy:" in their description of how they interface with
existing word processing  programs
Advice?  Prizes?  Horror Stories?  Any info you deem of interest to the whole
list, please post that way but if you think it would be of more direct
interest to me, please send it off list to my userid (& I'll compile it and
copyright it and compose a book with my new voice activated word processor
and sell it all back to you for exceeding and unGodly profits ....
capitalism, ain't it grand?)
Thank you
the Rat in Phx   (God bless everyone including TIny Tim but please make the
little bugger stop singing.  Grazi.)