

I've heard much about the Udall bill.  How is the money to be made
available?  Who will administer it?  Who will the recipients be?  How will
the funds be applied for?  What's really new here?
Please don't misunderstand me.  I'm obviously in favor of any expenditure of
funds directed twords the conquest of PD.  I am equally well aware of how
these funds have been distributed in the past.  I actually reference all
expenditures for the support of biomedical research worldwide.  Is the
effort really directed towards a cure?  How novel are the proposed
approaches?  Are we just funding the same old same old?
I am concerned about posting this lest I discourage anyone.  I've never
cared for totally negative comments devoid of positive suggestions.  So here
is a list of much needed research in PD.......none of it in my own areas,
just to be fair.
1.  The development of practical glutamate antagonists.
2.  The identification of the real environmental causes of PD.....not
reexaminations of pesticides....they have been pretty much ruled out.
3.  Programs to attract bright students into PD research.
4.  Development of recombinant cell lines for transplantation research.
5.  A careful, scientific review of surgical treatments wherein ALL outcomes
of ALL surgeries are examined; the good the bad and the ugly, not just the
pretty results....these studies must be administered by individuals without
any affiliation with the centers or proceedures being investigated.  These
evaluations must be performed using the best scientific and statistical
methodology available.
I really do want to be constructive and in all honesty that is hard at times
given the traditional patterns of spending.
Jeffrey Tosk, Ph.D. ([log in to unmask])
Director, Parkinson's Research Center
La Sierra University