

Re: rapid onset of dementia--this is certainly troubling and seems
unusual--though 15%-20% of PD patients do develop some dementia, it is usually
more gradual. In the archives, did you look at the Algorithm for Managing PD,
in four parts? There is quite a bit in part 3 about dementia. References are:
Part 1 of 4  3268   633
Part 2/4     3269   545
Part3/4      3271   506
Part 4/4     3270   477
Has the neuro considered other possible factors than PD? Sometimes there seems
to be a tendency once one is diagnosed to blame all problems on PD and overlook
other possibilities.  We do know that Alzheimer's can accompany PD in a few pat
ients, as was true of a man in our support group--I do hope you get clarifica-
tion and help soon!  Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter, 76/6