

                                 RTK.NET Mail  109607    Dec 21 17:17:37 1995
Dear Pat and others lobbying for the Udall Bill,
        I would like to hear more specifics about Kassebaum objecting to
the bill because of the "overhead".  Is the objection that much of the
the $100 million itself would not go towards the stated purposes of the bill
or that enacting the bill would mean incurring significant additional costs
that would come from elsewhere?  Are these costs a sure thing, or is she just
guessing they'll be unduly high?  How does the potential overhead in the
Udall bill compare to other allocations for medical research, education,
and assistance for other diseases?  What are the best ways to answer this
objection if we get similar answers from our representatives who refuse to
co-sponsor the Udall Bill?
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