

Hi Group....
My name is Suzanne..I am 27 YO, and my father, Adam, age 65 this year has
advanced PD (and Alzheimer's)....I joined this group to find information to
help my mother and I care for the best possible way. He is still at home,
against the objection of many a relative. But where are they at 2:00 am when
Daddy can't be controlled?? (Sorry, sometimes I get mad that my siblings
cannot handle this and my mom and I are left alone to deal with it..) My mom
is 60 this year and bless her, she is a saint. My Dad is not the easiest
patient but Mom promised that she's never put  him in a nursing home. I wish
sometimes that she had. It's so hard on us, but then I look at Daddy and
it's even harder on him.
My Dad's meds consist of.......If I can remember all of them, I am sure I
will leave some out....Sinimet, .....ooh my mind is blank..I cannot remember
any of them..Well, it is 2:30 in the morning as I write this. I don't sleep
much though. I will remember later.
I wish my mother would attend a caregiver's support group. But she's too
busy with Daddy. For now, I *am* her support group. My only child is
handicapped, so unlike her other children,I know first hand what it's like
caring for someone round the clock. I pray for patience. I pray for answers.
Most of all, I just pray...I am so glad I found this list. Private e-mail
always welcome......
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Houston, TX
"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom...."
-Gen. George Patton