

Hi, Patrick.  Might I make a suggestion?  Instead of 'years'.. diagnosed
etc, would it make it easier to follow later on to put 'year' diagnosed
instead; e.g. D.O.B.  July 27, 1943 instead of 52 years old or date of
diagnosis:  September, 1992.  That way, the information stays the same no
matter how much time passes.  I think that what you are doing is a great
contribution to the battle against pd.  I know that our list is not
representative of the Parkinson community in general but it's a start.
Perhaps each of us could circulate copies of your questionnaire at our
local support group meetings and, either send you the information via
email or snail mail (I would also volunteer to accept snail mail
questionnaires and send them to you on email).  Barb