

Merry Christmas, all!  We 3 shakys, members of the legal profession and proud
of it! take this opportunity to extend AMERICA'S "1st Lawyer", Attorney
General Janet Reno a hale and hearty best holiday wish.  For your continued
service to the people and the profession and by your courage and honesty in
recently announcing that you share our common Parkinson challenge--you have
honored us, "Sister" Janet.  We, in turn, would like to honor you by
dedicating this "We Shaky's 3, Christmas Tome" to you and herewith cordially
extend you our warmest invitation to participate in our PARKINSON LISTSERVE.
Hon. Arthur T. Hanscum &
his Canadian connection, Sandy G.
Atty. John E. Stanfield
Atty. James D. Ryan
"We, Shaky's 3, Christmas Tome"
'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land
the parkies were sleeping, no jigglin' their hand.
Their bodies were resting, all tucked and serene
nary affected at all by their lost dopamine.
Gifted by quietude, the twitching reprieved,
drifting deeper to REM, than could have conceived,
they appeared like the rest, or so it would seem
 a slumber most welcome, joined by Sinemet dream.
The dream more than vivid, the color and sights,
were slide show presented mid big city lights.
Gold glitters and flitters cours'd thru neurotransmitters,
creating a light show for park gazing sitters.
Yet, even considered, sweet sleep did reign king,
without any notice, myoclonus did bring
electrical charges coursing throughout every cell,
preparing an awakening under parkinson's spell.
Some begin with a twitch, others jerk or ice freeze,
now conscious, ON! OFF!, our condition, disease.
Be it onset as older or early as teen,
We administer the leva and dopa between.
Cerebellum engaging as best as it could,
anticipates gaiting as well as it should.
Eyes come on open, dry drug mouth or no,
our minds apprehensive, but go with the flow!
A pre-waking ritual, though not always the same,
is often accompanied by brief waiting game;
The spirit all willing, the hope a sweet tune,
'tis a calendar mystery on descent of the moon.
Now, fully awake! the limbs, every muscle
try to alight from the bed without tussle
and cope with the hustle and bustle anew
to savor life's magic from fresh points of view.
With an attitude bold, some Young! & Some Old!
We accept the progression which morn has foretold.
Now ON! then comes the OFF! the shuffle, the gait,
the pursuit of life's joys cannot risk to wait.
"ON, legs!" though they trudge, and some they do freeze,
"Swing, arm!", "Shoulder, freed!" from the "'happy' disease",
Nor mere "inconvenience", nor happy it be,
this tome is sent by we, shaky three.
"L'ai chaim! Toward life! Kia ora, you, too!
To live in a day where Gone! is the quiver, rid! the molasses,
the festine stand shuffles, slow typin morasses;
bid Hello! to friend shoestring, the button and brush,
and dropping cab dollars in Big Apple rush.
Surveying the body from head to the toe,
trustin' chemistry system to give the green GO!
Meanwhile, we three! touched by parkinson's plan,
bid you best Yuletide as life only can!