

Hi Brian,
I thank you for talking very candidly about the medical profession.  Your
reference to the word "misinformation" is warranted.  I have thought of other
words like, insufficient or incomplete or ...   Misinformation implies
knowingly giving incorrect information.  God hope this is not happening.
Patient expectation of the medical profession may often dictate the
relationship between the patient and the physician.  It took me a long time
to realize with PD my physicians were consultants not necessarily healers.
Once I accepted this relationship, I started coming to my doctor appointments
with specific questions and, if necessary, history of my case since we last
met.  I am paying for his/her time with me.  It is important that I come away
with as many of my questions answered as possible.
I have been blessed with some of the best physicians around.  Their advise
has almost always been excellent.   I can say that looking back over the
almost 12 years of this disease.  In those 12 years there have been many
changes to the medical treatment of PD.  Diet has become important.  Sinemet
is showing it may not be the wonder drug it was first thought to be.  As I
say I have been fortunate to have some of the best physicians around.  They
are current, more current than this server, but that is because they
specialize in PD.   I have the utmost respect for any doctor willing to look
at "PD Masks" all day and wondering if they were able to communicate with any
of their patients.
I do have one very strong criticism of the medical world and that is they
have not found a cure for MY DISEASE.  And I am sure this is true of any
patient with a chronic illness.  I should also say that I have not found a
cure for MY DISEASE either.  It certainly behoves me to participate in this
search with mind, body and MONEY.  FOR IT IS MY DISEASE.
I thank you for writing such a wonderful and open description of the medical
profession.  I think each all of us, patient, doctor, caregiver should have
your "rambling" as you call them on their refrigerator door.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year,