

Hello, I'm new to this group, and to listservs in general.
My name is Naomi Gross, and my mom was diagnosed
about 2 years ago with PD.  She's 65, and so far symptoms
include left side weakness, mainly of arm and hand,
terrible sleep problems, and constipation.  (She asked for
any advice concerning the last two - they're making life
somewhat miserable for her).  She is going to a NYC doctor
who has her on Parnate, of which she's quite skeptical,
but I get very little information from her, and can't tell if
she is afraid of/angry with the medicine, the doctor, or both.  My dad is a
retired pharmacist with a great mistrust of the medical profession (my
interpretation).  He often snaps at my mom for "letting her arm just hang
there".  My mom is in a weekly excerise class with other people wiht PD, and
my sister won't let her 8 year old accompany my mom, as "it would be too
scary".  With such a supportive family unit, how can I help but be the one
with a wry sense of humor?  Thanks for letting me vent; any info on the
symptoms or the Parnate, or a suggestion to read one of the archived logs,
would be most appreciated.
- Naomi ([log in to unmask]) :)