

I recently posted a request from a friend who is having difficulty with her
PD symptoms and also has had a fear of the medications..the following is from
her...for the time, she wishes to remain anonomymous.  I will foreward any
responses to her...the information I have gathered here for her has been of
much benefit, & has enabled her to take the first steps...Thank you!!!!
My friend who I recently asked some questions for, wishes to express her
warmest gratitude and heartfelt  thanks to those who responded.  She finally
returned to her neurologist who started her on one Eldepryl per day two
months ago, and, a week ago, one Amantadine (generic for Symmetrel) 100mg
capsule once a day, soon to be increased to two.  Although she notices some
benefit such as steadier gait and less muscle stiffness and pain, as well as
less slurring of speech, there are no other changes yet (too early? not high
enough dose yet?)  She was started on Amantadine as she is very susceptible
to side effects of drugs and was told Amantadine was milder than Sinamet
although that may be her next step.  Anyone know the skinny?  Have any of you
tried Amantadine/Symmetrel?  What were your experiences,  doses, wearing-off
time period? etc.?   Her major side effect is generalized anxiety which can
suddenly flip into anxiety attacks.  She expects these to lessen as she
becomes accustomed to the new med.  Did any of you have any side effects?
  More importantly,  were any of you started on this drug rather than
Sinemet, and why?  What do you think of it?  Any input would be much
appreciated.  Also, she asks, how did you deal with the tremendous fear once
 "you"  believed you had PD; the more positive input, the better (she's just
coming out of denial).  Thanks again.