

Gary D. Crowe
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DOB 1/27/47
Wt 169
Yrs PD  10
Yrs Meds  9
1. Tremer left arm
2. bradyskinesia
Sinemet          3/4   25-250  4x day
Permex           1/2  .25MG   4x day
Zoloft            1    100MG  1x day
First indication was lack of natural swing left arm and dystonia (curling
toes) left foot alomg with general tightness on intire left side.
Medication started with Sinemet which provided signifcant releaf from day
one until about five years later when the dyskinisias started. The next 4
years were devoted to various drug combinations, doasages and time frames to
combat the onn off dyskinisia, bradskinsias problem associated with long
term sinemet usage.  Dyskinsias became very obvious at work so opted for a
pallidotomy in Sweden one year ago next month.  Results weree emmediate.
Dystonia and Dyskinsia on the left side are gone, but bradyskinsia has
kprogressed and moved to the right side.
Hope this info helps.  Please excue my typing.  Left hand works sparingly
and right hand appears to have sypathy symptoms.
Gary D. Crowe
Grandview, WA
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