

Thank you for your indept response and encouragement to strive onward.  A
recent reply I received from Senator Kassebaum:  "I agree with you regarding
the need to expand research and education programs to find a cure for
Parkinson's disease.  As you mentioned, this disease affects more than one
million Americans each year at an estimated cost of over $6 billion.  More
importantly, this disease places a heavy emotional andphysical burden on
victims and their families.
"As you know, legislation was introduced last year by Senator Hatfield and
Representative Waxman.  I have long been a supporter of expanded research for
Parkinson's disease through programs at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH).  However, I chose not to cosponsor this bill because I thought much of
the money would be spent on overhead to run the various centers, rather than
on Parkinson's research.
"Although this legislation was not approved during the 103rd Congress,
Parkinson's disease did receive attention.  Enclosed is an excerpt from the
Senate Committee on Appropriations report accompanying legislation providing
fiscal year 1995 funding for the National Institutes of Health and other
domestic programs.  As you will note, the committee has directed NIH to
convene a consensus conference to develop a plan for a coordinated research
agenda and to increase research on Parkinson's disease.
Senator Hatfield has reintroduced similar legislation in the 104th Congress.
 I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that adequate research
efforts are being made to find a cure for this devastating disease.  It is my
hope that more money will be devoted to basic and clincal research rather
than overhead costs."
It is signed "Warmest regard" -
Thank you for your research, update, compassion and encouragement.  Happy New