

SUBJECT:  Constipation Protocol
FROM:     Larry Glenn ([log in to unmask])
Thank you Camilla Flintermann and Brian Symonds for getting this
information out.  My Mother has had this problem accompanying her
Parkinson's for years.  If you can help me understand a couple of
details which are probably general questions about taking meds I
would appreciate it.
1.   The first step in the protocol is apparently something she
     could do every day to prevent constipation.  4 oz. prune
     juice at breakfast and 4 oz. at bedtime with docusate
     calcium (50 mg.).  The notes on docusate calcium say to
     take it with 8 oz. of water or milk.  Am I right to say
     it is okay to take the docusate calcium with 4 oz. prune
     juice and no other liquid?
     The reason this comes up is my Mother often says she cannot
     get down any more than a few ounces of liquid with pills.
     For about a month she has been taking Fibercon tablets at
     about 8 PM but still seems to have some constipation
     Although I hate to be suspicious about what she is saying
     I also have heard her say she avoids drinking a lot of
     liquids due to incontinence problems.
2.   The second step in the protocol (if necessary) is to add
     Senokot at bedtime.  I assume this means to add it to the
     prune juice and docusate calcium, even though the notes
     on docusate calcium say not to take it within 2 hours
     of taking any other medication.
Thanks again for making this information available.  I really do
understand your disclaimers and cautions that people will not
all have the same results.  I am just trying to make sure that
I am interpreting it correctly.
     Larry Glenn
     [log in to unmask]