

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 06 Jan 96 16:07:14 EST
From: Joan Dykstra <[log in to unmask]>
To: Barbara Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Survey response: pain in shoulder
This is in response to Barbara Patterson's survey response.  Incidentally I have
found these survey responses very helpful.  While I look forward to the
summary--reading the individual reports has been most informative.
I had a similar experience with "pain in the shoulder."  Just before I started
seeing doctors for my tremor I started seeing doctors for 24 hour pain in my
shoulder.  X-rays showed nothing--and one doctor wanted to try shooting
cortisone into it.  I resisted.  Then I found a very caring doctor who listened
and worked with me and prescribed exercises and ice and heat treatments.  It
took very hard work for about three months, but the shoulder gradually lost its
pain and I began to be able to move my arm freely again.  By then I had found
enough information in the library to know that I had a "frozen shoulder."  About
the same time I found research that said that 20%  of Parkinson's patients have
a "Frozen shoulder" as a precursor to the PD.