

This comment "especially true for female patients" really chaps my x?x?.  My
immediate reaction to reading this would be don't use those doctors if you
suspect that is true.  However, this could cause many problems for the woman
who has to search for a new doctor more than once.  Someone on this list
suggested that you send your questions to the doctor a week or two before
your appointment.  I think this is an excellent idea.  This gives them the
chance to do some advance preparation for your appointment.  Unfortunatley
too many people don't like to admit that they don't know all the
answers-especially as it relates to their profession.  So if you ask them a
question that they feel they have to have an answer to immediately or loose
face, they might act as if the question is not important.  This reaction
from the doctor then makes some patients think that if the doctor thinks the
question is not important then it must not be.  But of course all of our
questions are important because we are the ones who are living with the
So give them the chance to be ready for your questions.  If they still don't
answer them for you maybe it is time to find a new doctor.
Nancy Walker
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>A note to the group: not to belabor the topic, but I thought you may find
>Michael Woods' reply interesting. The old, stereotypical hysterical female
>hypochondriac, image may still be with us. The more things change, the more
>they stay the same?!! Oh, well...
Be aware, however, that some physicians regard patients with lists of
questions as neurotics.
>>Unfortunately, that's especially true for female patients.  Check old
>>medical textbooks on diagnosis, and this is actually stated.  Might be
>>better to memorize the questions.  Sad but apparently true.  Would be great
>>if these people had email so you could communbicate that way, especially
>> for
>>prescription renewals and "telephone" consultations.  But all-too-many are
>>computer illiterate and actually feel threatened by computers. Mike Woods
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