

Name:John Robert Newbrough
e-Mail:[log in to unmask]
FAX:  615-343-9494
Zip code:37215
Years Parkinsonian:3
Years Medication:3 (Began 1/93)
Medical Indications at diagnosis: (current condition)
1. loss of left arm swing (now increased)
2. tremor in left thumb (mostly disappeared)
3. ratcheting in left arm (decreased)
4. leaning forward (standing erect more of the time)
5. slow gait with left foot drop (back to normal)
6. high anxiety (decreased dramatically)
7. low facial expressiveness (increased, closer to normal)
8. staring  (some, but less)
9. constipation  (figured out how to control)
10. depression  (decreased dramatically)
11. muscle spasms in feet and calves (still there in bed)
12. difficulty urinating  (still a major problem with sphincter release)
13. pill rolling  (not as pronounced)
14. bursitis in upper arms (disappeared)
15. fatigue (controlled with 30 rest morning and afternoon)
1. Sinemet                              25/100 x 4
2. Eldepryl                             5 mg x 2
3. Flexeril                             1   take occasionally on demand for
muscle spasms
Supplements (as recommended by Biochemist)
2.  AM Multiple vitamin
3.  PM Multiple vitamin
4.  Vitamin E 400, 3 in AM
5.  Vitamin C (Powdered C-Salts) 4000 morning and evening
6.  Vitamin B3 -Niacinimide 500 flushfree, 1 in AM
7.  Vitamin B12 1000, 1 in PM
8.  Calcium 250/Magnesium 125, 2 in AM, 4 in PM
9.  Zinc 30, 2 in AM
10. Manganese 40, 2 in PM
11. Magnesium, 1 in PM
12, Sulfur 100, 1 AM, 1 PM
13. Folic acid liquid, 2400 in AM
14. Bioflavinoids 500, 2 AM
15. Betacarotine 2500, 1 PM
16. Chorella, 400 in AM, 400 PM
17. P5P, 50 AM, 50 PM
18. Pantothentic acid 100, 3 AM, 3 PM
19. Digestive Enzyme, 1 AM, 1 Noon, 1 PM
20. DMAE 351 in AM
21. Pyroglutamic Acid 1000, 1 AM
22. Phosphadatyl choline, 1 AM
23. Chromium 500, 1 AM
24. L-Argenine, 500 AM, Noon, PM
25. L-Methionine, 500 PM
26. L-Lysine, 500 PM
27. L-Serine, 500, 1 AM, 1 PM
28. Melatonin 3, 1 PM
29. Biotin, 300, 1 PM
30. Protease enzyme 1600, 1 AM
31. Lipase enzyme 1250, 1 AM, 1 PM
32. Co-Enzyme Q 10, 1 AM
33. 1 T. Flax oil, PM
34. Bee Pollen, 1 tsp, AM, PM
Supplements (as recommended by Chinese Medicine practitioner)
1.  Herbs, 3 gm AM, 3 PM for general condition of Parkinsonism
2.  Herbs, Polyporus combination (polyporus, hoelen, alisma, talc,
gelatin), 3 gm AM, 3 PM for relaxing urinary sphincter.
3.  Gingko Biloba
4.  Yerba Prima Colon Care for constipation (fabulous)
Supplements (as recommended by homeopathic physician)
1.  Phosphorus 6x, 3 AM, Noon, PM
Treatments, etc
1.  Feldenkrais physical therapy 1 hr monthly.
2.  Exercise at wellness center,
        MWF, walk 1 mile, run 1/2 mile, 10 min. weight machines
        1 day a week, weight machines 15 minutes
3.  Signature Sound Works supplementary tone for voice loss
4.  Shiatzu pressure treatments for back muscle spasms