

Listservice: We have been digesting a full course of Doctors and computer
"It takes all kinds .."  etc.etc. We are famliar with that old saw. We with
consult neurologists They became  professors in the most intricate of fields;
neuroanatomy, physioloy, and neurochemistry of the BRAIN. When some little
thing goes awry, we consult a physician. As James Joyce wrote once, " My
neural circuitry isn' t functioning very well."     We PDs feel that way most
Our doctors have prescribed our medications which get us up and at  it.
prescriptions have been researched, tested, and found to provide relief.
Research goes on and new approaches are tried.
 Most physicians are  associated with universities or other learning centers.
Attendance at clinical conferences is required.  A doctor should not be
judged by the absence of  a  computer or other fancy gadget on his desk. He
keeps up with the
acquisition of knowledge in his own way in his own time. Let us not sell him
We all know doctors who take their difficult patient-problems home, on
to  the  theater,  etc. (figuratively, that is), and do not rest until a
solutioni found.
(sorry,too verbose, am I. ) mehmoirs(Mare