

Delana Vayghn writes of sleep problems in PD as "nearly universal". I
can report one exception anyway--Peter seems not to have this problem (YET?)
 and in fact sets an alarm about every 2 hours nightly in orde to wake up
and go to the bathroom. And he seems not to have trouble going back to
sleep each time--only rarely. Don't know what makes the difference, but it
may be just another example of the wildly varying effects of this crazy PD!
Whatever it is, I wish he could "bottle it and sell it"-or give it away--And BT
W, thanks to those who asked about his recovery from the hernia surgery. He
is "oozing back" (not "bouncing") and mpst days are showing a gradual improve-
ment in mobility.    Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 76/6+