

I'm new to the Parkinson's List and new to online lists in general, but I
thought I'd submit the following suggestion to those programmer types who
are doing this great service for the PD community... why don't you include
the document ID number with the title of each doc. in the digest "Topics of
the day" list. That would make it much easier to request a copy of a
specific document from the server without the intermediate search for the
number. I like the digest because I don't want to individually process all
the doc's in Eudora, but I find I want to save selective doc's in Eudora
mailboxes for future reference.
By way of introduction:
Richard Thompson
age 41
diagnosed 4/95
Husband of 1 (Sherry)
Father of 4 (age 15, 13, 8, 7)
Engineering Manager
Eldepryl 5 mg x 2 (w/ breakfast & lunch)
Vitamins (my Family Practice MD's suggestion)
Vit. C 2000 mg (shooting for 3000)
Vit E 200 IU
a Multi
an Antioxidant
6 to 8 months before diagnosis my right hand started to get sluggish
3 to 4 months before my right foot started to get sluggish
Slow (Thank the Lord) progression of these symptoms continue
microgravia has almost eliminated all handwriting except signature
no tremor
My first neurologist in Orlando was very reluctant to make the diagnosis and
referred me to Dr. Greer at Shands (Univ. of Fl.). Does anyone know of a
good neuro in the Orlando area that is amenable to working with an early
onset patient? (A Metlife program guy would be great.)
Rich Thompson