

Date: Tue, 09 Jan 1996 08:48:46 -0300 (ADT)
From: Barbara Duffin-Bates <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: PD and smoking
This is very interesting.  My husband flirted with pipe smoking years
ago, but decided that it was silly and just stopped.  No problem
and no desire to resume the habit.
He has had PD for 11 years now.
Barb Bates
 Date sent:      Tue, 9 Jan 1996 04:46:27 EST
 From:           NIGEL COCKLE <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject:        PD and smoking
 In my youth, I smoked both cigarettes and a pipe from time to
 time. I used to smoke because I enjoyed it but always found it
 very easy to stop and couldn't understand how people became
 Is it possible that people who are going to develop PD have a
 brain chemistry that does not respond to nicotine? This might
 explain why non smokers are more likely to get PD. Have Parkies
 on this list found giving up smoking difficult?
 Nigel Cockle (PD 12 years)