

It's four in the morning and i've been awake for two hours.
Both cats are asleep and my wife is snoring gently.
I fell asleep at 11:30 and so have had about two hours sleep.
Starting day three of a cold.
I've only been on meds for seven months and know things are
going to get worse.  Why am i so bloody happy!?
1. I got out of bed myself.
2. Still working.
3. Wife does not care about the PD.
4. cold should go away in two oor three days.
5. computer still works.
6. meds have symptoms under control.
7. neuro said not to come back for a year.
8. insurance paid up.
9. car still working.
10. i am in a warm safe place.
11. Kristen (wife) loves me.
12. there are probably other reasons, just can't think of them.
the above are in order of thought, not importance. probably says
something about me :).
Not bad, this only took half an hour...........number 12!
now that i've got ya'll wondering if i'm a total looney
i'll save this to floopy disk and chuckle over it later today.
#parkinsons, your next.
Puppy^ -> Marvin Giles.
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