

When anyone logs onto an Undernet server throughout the world, there are
hundreds and sometimes over a thousand chat channels operating
simultaneously. You can join one or several at the same time. If you
join a channel that is not present, one is created by that name and
the person who joined it becomes the operator.
Chatting on the Internet? I thought that's where the Evening News
said all the pornographers and pediphiles hang out!
The quotation: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but, words will
never hurt me", is true on internet chat. The medium of internet chat is
words and not pictures. If you have tolerated scribblings on walls, you
can safely pass those channels that specialize in those sort of things
on your way to the #Parkinsons channel.
Chat channels in general, are similar to conference halls, where people
gather. When one person talks (enters a line of text), everyone listens
(reads what the other people have written). Each person is known by a
nickname of their chosing and their remarks are prefaced by <nickname> as
in the transcript above. All chat in the main channel window is public.
If you would like to have a 'one-on-one' chat with someone, you query
them. The query process either creates another window on your's and the
other person's desktop or an icon appears, which opens when you click on
it with the mouse. Things typed in these windows are 'private'. This is
similar to meeting rooms around a conference room.
When you log on, several of us have created an automated database that
responds to questions prefaced with "what is" without the quotes. The
database has the nickname of Library that greets each new member with a
query window described above. If your software is set to create icons for
queries, the icon named Library will be on your desktop with instructions
on how to determine which terms (words) that Library knows about. When
logged on to #Parkinsons, library listens for the words "what is", when queried
that begins a sentence and then looks up that word or concept. The results
appear in the Library query window. The only exception to "what is" is finding
out what words that Library is aware of. To determine what words, Library
knows, type:
what are A words
what are M words.
"what are A words" will give you a several columns of words that begin
with the letter that you used. Use the letters A-Z.
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter A:
acetylcholine action tremor    agonist       akinesia
amantadine    anticholinergic  antihistamine ataxia
athetosis     antidepressant   autonomic     axon
adrenaline    alpha-tocopherol apomorphine   atrophy
antianxiety   antioxidants     ascendin      aldomet
amoxipine     alpha-methyldopa apda
amitryptyline ativan           ambien
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter B:
basal ganglia  bilateral      biofeedback   blink
blepharospasm  body           bradykinesia  buspar
bradyphrenia   bromocriptine  bruxism       buccinator
baclofen       buspirone      botox         botulinium
blood-brain barrier           buproprion    beta blockers
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter C:
carbidopa      cerebellum     cerebrum      clonidine
chorea         cortex         choline       catapres
constipation   clozapine      cisapride     compozine
cardizem       chlorpromazine contralateral clonazepam
central nervous sys
cogwheel rigidity
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter D:
dendrite     delusions     deprenyl      decarboxylase
dopamine     dopaminergic  drug holiday  dyskinesia
dysphagia    dystonia      drooling      drug-induced PD
domperidone  desmopressin  demerol       demi-regroton
diupres      deserpidine   diltiazem     desipramine
desyrel      diazepam      dihydexidrine
decarboxylase inhibitors
dopa decarboxylase inhibitors
diagnosis (Parkinson's)
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter E:
edema         enzyme         euphoria      extensor
encephalitis  ethopropazine  enduronyl     elavil
extrapyramidal system
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter F:
festination      flexor       freezing      florinef
fludrocortisone  fluphenazine fluoxetine
fetal tissue transplantation
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter G:
ganglion         gray matter
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter H:
hormone          hypokinesia    hydergine      haldol
harmonyl         hydropres      haloperidol    halcion
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter I:
incontinence     ideopathic          intention tremor
There are no words that start with J in the glossary.
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter K:
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter L:
levodopa           lewy body    lenticular nucleus
loxapine           lodosyn      laxatives
loxitane           lithobid     lithium
livido reticularis lorazepam
levodopa-induced dyskinesias
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter M:
micrographia       mao          mptp
myoclonus          motilium     melatonin
mellaril           moban        meridine
metoclopramide     molindone    madopar
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter N:
nardil             neuron         neurotransmitters
navane             nigral         norepinephrine
neuroleptic drugs  nortriptyline  norpramin
national parkinson foundation
nigrostriatal degeneration
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter O:
on-off phenomena
orthostatic hypotension
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter P:
palsy              pergolide(Permax)    peristalsis
pyramidal pathway  palilalia            pallidectomy
paraesthesia       postural instability PD
parkinsonism       paralysis agitans    perphenazine
permax             postural deformity   prozac
postural tremor    precursor            prolopa
propulsive gait    parkinson's plus     parnate
paxil              paroxetine           phenelzine
permitil           prolixin             perphenazine
pimozide           prochlorperazine     pamelor
phenergan          pramipexole          pallidotomy
psp (progressive supranuclear palsy)
parkinson's plus symptoms
propulsid (cisapride)
PF (Parkinson's Facies)
parlodel (bromocriptine)
parkinsn (Internet mailing list information)
There are no Q words.
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter R:
resting tremor     rigidity    receptor
retropulsive gait  reglan      risperdal
raudixin           rauzide     regroton
reserpine          rauwolfia s risperidone
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter S:
stool softners    sinemet       sinemet cr
spasm             striatum      substantia nigra
sustention tremor synapse       seborrhoea
shaking palsy     side effect   stereotactic surgery
stimulants        stelazine     salutensin
ser-ap-es         sertraline
subscribe (subscription information Parkinsn list)
ssri (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors-
seborrhoeic dermatitis
sds (Shy-Drager Syndrome)
snd (StriatoNigral Degeneration)
shy-drager syndrome
stages (Parkinson's disease)
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter T:
tremor           tyrosine        toxin
tigan            torecan         triavil
trilafon         thorazine       trimethobenzamide
triethylperazine tranylcypromine thioridazine
thiothixene      trifluoperazine tofranil
trazadone        triazolam       tolcapone (Tasmar)
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter U:
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter V:
vomiting center    vitamin       valium
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter W:
There are no X words in the glossary.
There are no Y words in the glossary.
These are words that Library knows about, that begin
with the letter Z:
zoloft       zolpidem
Socrates defined a friend as, "One soul in two bodies". We on the parkinsn
list have made a lot of acquaintances. Over time these may develop into
friendships. The Parkinson's chat channel is an outreach of this list.
It's true that some of the health professionals on this list, derive their
income on talking about or examining and diagnosising movement disorders.
They give at the office for a fee.
Others receive wages or remuneration from companies and industries that
covet and desire our business.
On the otherhand, those who do the parkinsn list and the Parkinsons chat
channel work, do it on their own time, using their own resources, what ever
or how little they may be. Others with warm, firm handshakes and caring
hearts are needed to assist the other volunteers. Referral, information,
support, hand holding and maybe being a little rowdy during the quiet
times. These are all elements of the Parkinsons chat channel.
Join Marvin Giles, Kees Paap, Barbara Patterson, Jim Laurent, Jeff Maltzman,
Joyce Saylors, Margaret Tuchman, Bill Romanow and I join the Parkinsons
channel on the
Undernet most evenings from 8:30 (20:30) to 10:00 (22:00) Central
Standard Time (-6:00). On weekends we may be on the Parkinsons chat
channel anytime during the day and night.
Non AOL subscribers do not have access to the AOL chat rooms.
AOL members can use the following responses that I received from the
Internet regarding "Getting from AOL to the Undernet". Mac users
at the present time can not get to the Undernet from AOL.
>[log in to unmask] (John Cottingham) wrote:
>>How do AOL subscribers get from AOL to Undernet? Is different
>>software needed or will the AOL chat software work?
>In order to use IRC from AOL you must be using the latest version of
>the AOL Windows software. You also need a program such as mIRC which
>you can find in the software libraries and the AOL Winsock.dll,
>available online at keyword WINSOCK.
>Once you download and install your IRC client, and download the
>Winsock.dll to either your Windows directory or your client's
>directory then just signon to AOL, and startup your IRC client.
>You *must* use the server to access
>Undernet and use for EFnet.
> +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+
> | Michael D. Richards                   [log in to unmask] |
> |     Emdee@irc (Undernet) |
> |      mIRC help or questions: [log in to unmask]        |
> | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
The Undernet servers around the world are tied together so that users of
the Parkinsons channel can chat with the group assembled or privately to
another user in REAL-TIME around the world. As you learn more about this
chatting, you can do more with your software. Even fava bean recipes can
be exchanged.<g>
Respond by e-mail if you would like to help in keeping the Parkinsons
channel operating during the evening hours in your time zone. If your
internet service provider allows you free hours at certain times or
weekends perhaps you could volunteer for those times. We need to know
who you are. Within a few weeks, we plan to register the Parkinsons
channel. We need to know who we can get together on short notice to
have a group meeting with the Undernet management.
Get your IRC software, get it installed and join us.
John Cottingham    "The parkinsn list brings Knowledge, Comfort, Hope, and
Homeboy             Friendship to the parkinsonian world."
LibraryH            Parkinson's Chat on the Undernet 8:30 PM CST -6 Daily.
                    If you access the Internet through a provider with a
[log in to unmask]     PPP/SLIP account, free IRC chat software is available. WFD