

My wife and I had a delightful and wonderful experience when Dave & Marilyn
Willner of Philadelphia (Loyal P NET members--Dave n Lyn--) visited Naples,
FL and called us to get together.  David said he "Liked my positive attitude"
which he detected from my few notes to you all.  WE learned so much from
being with THEM--especially the way in which they personified the central
message of the P InfoNet:  :Don't just lay back and suffer with P--enjoy and
benefit from agressively searaching, asking, and exchanging information  with
which you challenge your MD  and, intelligently,take responsibility for  your
own choices about treatment.
 I liked HIS positive  attitude and the involvement of his loving caregiver,
Marilyn.  We had breakfast and lunch together, visted my 3x/wk Parkinson's
stretch class at the Wellness Center, and also attended a meeting of the
Naples Support group, at which 4 Pallidotomy recipients discussed their
experiences, showed "before" films of themselves, and answered questions
while the Audience of Parkies and their CGrs sat open-mouthed and enthralled.
 David happened to have the oldest Pallidotomy (April 94) and his imput was
saught and greatly appreciated.
We had such a happy and profitable time together, I encourage you, if
possible, to visit with a member of the List when you're  travelling through
or vacationing in their area.  Select someone whose notes or situation you
"admire" or can identify closely with, and you're bound to come away with a
new and diffeent perspective on your Fight.
Dick Praz--Naples FL