

Initially, the FDA approved only 10 procedures; they wanted to see how safe
it was before continuing.  I will be contacting the neurologist i spoke
with, a Dr. Kohler, in about a week; he said he should know by then when
the research will be expanded, and where else in the country the surgery
will be performed.
According to Dr, Kohler, the five patients who had the procedure in Kansas
City showed improvement.  (He said the patient's said they felt "remarkably
better", though his empirical side boiled that down to "improvement".  In
the end, the PD  individual, when freed from some symptoms, will feel
remarkable.  The objective perspective may see otherwise).
I believe the turning point in the conversation occured when the doctor
asked me if i was informed about Pallidotomy.  I procedded to explain the
procedure as best i knew (thanks to all on this list!), and said that it
never appealed to me because it required the making of an irreversible
lesion.  He nodded, then said (I'm paraphrasing here) "You do realize that
stimulation is not a cure; you will most likely still have to take
I replied that i knew that, and what i was looking for was a better quality
of life witrh hopefully fewer medications necessary, perhaps resulting in a
lowering or even elimination oi dyskinesia and other drug-induced
side-effects.  I said that the stimulation procedure seemed the safest,
least invasive procedure, with the ability to remove the stimulatorn if
I'm not intending to toot my own horn, but the doctor really seemed
impressed with the research and knowledge I displayed concerning surgical
possibilities, medications and their side effects, and the several
qwestions I pre-prepared.  (My traveling companion noted this also).  I
showed i wasn't grasping at straws and looking for anything to "cure" my
I'll post more info after i speak with the doctor again.  Hope this was
helpful, or at least readable. :-)
Jeffrey R. Romanyshyn, M.A, M.H. "Myth Hawk" Email: [log in to unmask]
28/Diagnosed 3yrs/Sinemet 10/100 4x/Permex .375mg 3x/Eldepyrl 5mg 1x/Lift
Weights-Cycle--4-5 times per week
"Summoned or not, (the) god will be present." (Oracle at Delphi motto)