

> Hi,
> I have been reading all of the posts but haven't said much lately. I need
> some advice. In review, my father, Adam age 66, has PD/AD combo. The PD is
> giving him fits. My Mom and I are in a quandry over what to feed him. He
> can't seem to chew or swallow anything. They did a swallow eval. but found
> nothing out of the ordinary. Bless his heart, he tries so hard b/c Mom cooks
> all these wonderful meals. But we find all of his meat and other
> hard-to-chew stuff spit out in napkins under his plate. I tried suggesting
> nutrional supplements but he won't even consider it. He also says his meds
> make his morning coffee taste funny...Anyone have any experience with that
> effect?
Suzanne, we have found  that folks that have difficulty swallowing do
better with foods that have been slightly purreed.  Mashed potatoes,
apple sauce, slightly purreed meats with generous seasoning may appeal to
your Dad.  Also, you may find that your Dad prefers sour foods to sweet
ones.   Purreed vegetables can be made interesting when creatively
prepared.  Try various food combinations (carrots purreed with pineapple,
for instance), to find you Dad's preferrences.
It would be great if the folks on this list  let us know what recipes
work for them.  Getting beyond changes in taste that occur in many
diseases so that folks continue to be well nourished is a challenge.
Peace and joy
Mary Ann
Zippo's mom