

My Email address is [log in to unmask]   Please "cc." your
comments to my E-Mail address as well as mailing them to the
Parkinson's LISTSERV.  I am submitting this posting for a friend
and I do not check the LISTSERV everyday.  My friend's message
    I have been reading the Parkinson's LISTSERV.  This is my first
experience :"hands-on"  and I am excited for the opportunity to
be able to communicate with all of you "out there" via the magic
of computers. 8-)  At this point, I am needing your help and the
benefit of your experiences.   I have had Parkinson's 7 years
now.  I am a 53 year "young-in-spirit" woman.  I have enthusiasm
for life.  My Parkinson's has reached the point where I have to
apply for disability because of my inability to continue my
present work.
        I understand that 60% of the disability applications are denied
through Social Security.  I am the sole support for my
household,  so it is critical that my  disability application be
approved the first try.  I will stop work on February 1.  I will
be without income and living on loans until my disability
benefits begin.    I am wondering if some of you have applied
for disability either through Social Security or a private
disability policy.
        I am planning to apply for disability within the next week.  So
IMMEDIATE comments, help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I am
interested not only in success stories but information
about denied claims, as well. My need for information is
immediate, however,  better late than never.
        My plan, at this time, is to become educated  in the whole area
of disability. I hope to publish the results of my learnings.
I have already researched the Social Security Laws but I am
clueless as to the best way to phrase the application.  A
disability attorney was not any help in the specifics of
completing applications.    My search at the library for books
and periodicals  was not productive at all.  There is a great
need to be filled in this area.  I am hopeful that, once I have
gained more expertise in this process, I can be helpful to
        At this point, I am needing your wisdom and experience about
your disability claims.   The ones that have been denied at well
at those that have been approved.  I am grateful this forum
exists for those of us  with Parkinson's to help each other
through this challenge.  I, myself, am learning to make lemonade
from the lemons 8-).
        Please "cc." your comments to my friend's E-Mail address
([log in to unmask]) as well as mailing them to the
Parkinson's LISTSERV.   Thank you in advance for sharing your