

We are fortunate in Southern California to have so many tremendous
universities close at hand and, with them, some wonderful Parkinson's
specialists who are engaged in ground-breaking research on the disease.  Most
treat patients in addition to their research.  One such outstanding
specialist is Dr. Daniel Truong, who has offices at UCI in Irvine and also in
Fountain Valley.  I have come to know Dr. Truong and his work because of my
role as a West Coast board member for the Parkinson's Disease Foundation (he
is Scientific Director for PDF on the West Coast, in addition to his role as
head of the Movement Disorders Program at UCI) and his treatment over the
past two years of my mom, who comes out from her home in Louisiana to be
treated by Dr. Truong.  He's the only doctor I know that still gives out his
home number to his patients!