

Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 16:58:00 EST
From: [log in to unmask] (MR ROBERT A MARTONE)
Subject: Hypnosis
-- [ From: Bob Martone * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
Feel I must share with all of you an interesting experience I was
privileged to have about 5 or 6 years ago.  Mike Klaybor a
hypnotherapist  was interested in helping those of us with PD  His
approach:  self hypnosis .  I believe he "found" me through the UT
Medical school, where I had taken part in  adrenal implant experimental
surgery. It did not take long at all for him to get me to the point
where I could through self hypnosis stop the dyskenesia.  While it was
quite limited... I really needed a fairly quiet spot and a straight
back arm chair.... quite a bit of control was possible.  He invited me
to be the subject of a presentation he was making on his findings to
grand rounds at the UT Med School.  I was actually able to sit in front
of all those medical people and successfully enter a light trans state
and basically quiet my dyskenesia down significantly. I remember he
also showed a video of a man whose head rolled so uncontrollably  you
wondered how it stayed on. This man dramatically improved by going into
a trans state..  To this day I don't understand why I did not go
further with Dr. Klaybor on this.  It really is a very effective way of
getting some relief from the dreadful dyskenisia.  I did not have much
success trying to control tremor but maybe if I had continued with Dr..
Klaybor I might have been able to so much more.  The potential for some
real relief  through self hypnosis is very real and I encourage anyone
to give it a try.  Dr. Klaybor would probably be happy to share his
findings with us.  I will give him a call on Monday and talk to him
about this.