

At 05:11 PM 1/28/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello John,
>Some months ago, Chuck suggested meeting on a CHAT ROOM available
>automatically on AOL.
>What is the difference between AOL CHAT ROOM and the UNDERNET both on AOL.
The AOL chat rooms are not available to to the rest of the world which is
not subscribed to AOL. At $2.95 US per hour, chat on AOL is not economical.
Chat on the Undernet is available to the whole internet that uses a PPP or
Slip connection to their Internet Service Provider (ISP). Since there are
inexpensive unlimited time subscriptions available, chat is of no additional
cost to them. Those who subscribe to AOL AND use PCs can connect to the
Undernet also. Mac users on AOL cannot.
Mac users who use ISPs, on the otherhand, can.
John Cottingham    "The parkinsn list brings Knowledge, Comfort, Hope, and
Homeboy             Friendship to the parkinsonian world."
LibraryH            Parkinson's Chat on the Undernet 8:30 PM CST -6 Daily.
                    If you access the Internet through a provider with a
[log in to unmask]     PPP/SLIP account, free IRC chat software is available. WFD