

Hello to everyone.  I have not written in a while and so I
think a brief re-introduction is in order.  My Mother has had
PD for a while but was officially diagnosed a little over a
year ago.  She is currently taking Eldepryl and doing pretty
well.  My Grandfather, 83, has also recently been diagnosed
with PD.  So this has been a big part of my life over the last
year.  Especially since my Mom is in Hartford, CT, my Grandpa
is in Spokane, WA and I am in Boston, MA.
I am very grateful to this newsgroup.  I come into work
every morning and I know I will have informative e-mail
waiting for me.  I share a lot of them with my Mom.
It is really difficult lately because my Grandpa isn't doing (he
has had a bleeding ulcer and his neuro has told him there
is basically no medicine he can take) and naturally my Mom
is very worried for him.  My Dad has enough to deal with, both
mentally and physically with my Mom, and he is getting
close to overload.  So this leads me to several questions.
First, does anyone have any advice about my Grandpa's
ulcer and possible meds?  He can't get his winter coat on (he
says he gets one arm in and then can't lift the second
high enough)  He has been going out in the cold weather
and now has a big cold.  He is a bit stubborn when it comes
to help and thinks everyone in his retirement community is
sort of evil.  Does anyone know a good neuro/support group in
the Spokane, WA area?  He is not the best at being positive
or accepting help.  It is really hard for us to be so far away from
Now my Mom.  I was just down in Florida, where they are so
lucky to be spending the monthe of January and my Mom has
been walking on the beach and seems really good.  One thing
that has been bothering to her is that at times she feels that
she looses the control of her bladder.  She feels the need to
use the bathroom and sometimes she can't get to one
immediately or by the time she is done fiddling with buttons or
zippers she has a small accident.  This is very upsetting to her
and I was wondering if anyone else experiences this?  I
understand the bladder is a muscle and so could be affected
by her PD.  She tries to space out her liquids but I think it would
be equally upsetting to her "pride" to have to wear some sort
of adult undergarment.
I hope that some of you have some advice.  I appreciate all
the time and energy that everyone puts into this.
Rachael Albert
Account Coordinator
The Monster Board
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