

Rachael-- about your Mom's problems with minor incontinence...this is very
common, and while distressing, can be managed. We have found that the
best approach is to stress the relief from anxiety about accidents, and con-
sequent freedom of movement, that results from using some protection
when away from home, especially. Actually, women who are used to using
sAnitary napkins,etc, for monthly periods have an advantage,but  I think if
one will try it, the strangeness will wear off quickly for most folks.It's
a big help not to have to worry about it!  Also, she should try "kegeling"
(sp.?) exercises to strengthen the muscles involved---our exercise class
at the Senior Center stresses that regularly!  (Basically, stopping the stream
of urine and holding,then starting again.) Hope this helps--
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 76/6+